The Christian Churches and the Church Affairs Committee
Since its foundation, there have been two congregations in Friesland Colony, the “Mennonite Church” and the “Mennonite Brethren Church”. The churches organise their services and activities with children and young people both separately and together. Both congregations share their foundation of faith and base it on the Word of God. The way of salvation is not membership in a particular congregation, but a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ, who is the only way to eternal life with the Father, God.
Both Churches are represented in the Commission for Church Affairs, the KfK. This body is responsible for organising joint events such as evangelistic activities, harvest festivals, memorial days, etc.
Together they carry out missionary work in the zone.

Friesland in the national context
The Cooperative Friesland and the Civil Association of the Colony are legally recognised by the national government and are subordinate to the town hall of Itacurubí del Rosario. Intensive cooperation with this town hall (in Spanish: municipalidad) is achieved through the civic association “Junta Comunal de Vecinos”.
Through the Association of Mennonite Colonies in Paraguay (ACOMEPA), Friesland Colony is also in constant contact with the other Mennonite colonies in Paraguay.
Each generation of Friesland Colony strives every day to build and strengthen the community in mutual trust. An important goal is to maintain one’s own faith and tradition, while still integrating into the environment and being a role model for good living and effective work.
The challenge for Friesland in the future is to make a positive contribution to Paraguay and give new hope to our children and neighbours!